Friday, January 16, 2015

Final Friday!

Happy Final Friday! This two week class is OVER. Well, as soon as I'm done with my school work that is. This was a really good class that actually forced me to learn a lot in two weeks.

Today I am wrapping up this class with a mini research project. I'm researching celebrity advertising, and why they may be a more successful form of advertising. I won't lie, I've tried all three of these products. Only two were influenced by celebrities. Can you guess which two ?

Wishing everyone a happy Friday and a good weekend before classes start again Wednesday!😐 (dreading it.) 

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Hump Day #2

Yay! The Final stretch to the end of this two week class that I am so happy I decided to enroll in. Today, we are focusing on something that really interests me. 

Our last and final chapter of our textbook talks about media research. I just completed my Communication Research methods course and I really enjoyed it. I got to explore all of the options that are included in the field of media research such as marketing research. I am thinking about maybe taking more research classes if they are available! I love to write, and I love studying media. What a perfect combo! 

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Is it Friday ?

That's right. I'm still in vacation mode. Today the text brought up a very important point; it's a point that I have explored before and would like to further carry out as a research project. That advertisements have a direct effect on viewers. After doing some research, I strongly agree that that is true especially in weight loss advertising. 

I hope I am going to get the chance to elaborate on research and share my findings with the class. It's an area I think many of us have experienced first hand. 

Monday, January 12, 2015

Back to Reality

I have arrived back to Massachusetts after a much needed trip to Florida to see some family! I knew I was coming home to the cold but coming home to rain was a nice slap in the face. It only motivates me to work harder because once I'm done here at BSU I'm moving to FL. I can't wait.

Now to read chapter 9 and find out where the history of television is going!

Friday, January 9, 2015


Greetings from Florida!

Happy Friday Everyone! Mid term! Whoohoo. Just think, we get a nice little break over the weekend (I think that's what the two blank spaces on the syllabus mean) 

Finishing the mid term is going to be a great feeling. I know myself better and knew I would be one miserable person writing all day today, so I stayed up until 1:30 this morning writing about structuralism and narrative in a familiar story/movie.  If you know the plot of the story well, then you can easily apply the theories. It makes it much easier to know your story well!

Well, I'm going to finish this paper and head to the beach. Happy Friday Everyone!

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Something fun

Just a little something I posted on my twitter this morning with emojis only. I intended that everyone would know what it meant.. Because these represent meanings that most of us have a shared interpretation of: let's see if you can all guess what this says. 

Day 4

🙈6:04 AM and I've already been in an

airport for 45 minutes. I have no choice but to notice all of the media around me! In particular, The TVs playing local news, and magazines. 

I'm a little bit of a marketing junkie too. I went to a tech high school, and I took Marketing as my "trade" or "shop."  Today was the first time I've seen this as an available option to travelers. 
Travelers now have the option to buy a book, and then return it and get 50% of their money back! Hence why it's called "read and return." What a good example of excellent and convenient product placement. 

 Well, I'm about to board my flight! Next I'll be blogging from Florida!

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Day 3

Horray For Hump Day!

It`s day 3/10 of my online class. I`m really so glad I`m a morning person, because I can now get my day started after getting my work done this morning. Online classes are intense, yet so convenient. Tomorrow morning I`ll be doing my reading from the window seat of an airplane on my way to Florida for a weekend getaway! Well, not really a getaway because I`ll still be doing school work but I`m getting away from this cold weather!!
This morning`s reading was on Globalisation of media. Right now, I felt the only example I could relate to was the example of social media. We experience globalization of media everyday through blogs, facebook, and twitter. The chapter also talked about global mega-spectacle and used the news as an example. Recently, the biggest global news has been the coverage on the Ebola outbreak.
On that note, enjoy your Hump Day!

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Ad Junkie

As I understand, it`s a good sign if we are critique different types of media. Well, I must confess that I love to critique advertisements. What makes a good advertisement? Here I am going to compare and contrast two different types of advertisements that I`m sure most of us are familiar with.

A few summers back, Cumberland Farms ran an advertising campaign with David Hasselhoff singing a catchy (but annoying) jingle. But- I haven`t forgotten it, and I know it`s for Cumberland Farms Farmhouse blend coffee.  So with a lot of loud singing, noise, and narration this was a successful advertisement.
 To see this commercial, click here!

Nike however has done such an excellent job branding themselves that they don`t have to say anything but Just Do It in their print advertising or commercials.  On another note; Just Do It and the Nike logo are both examples of signifiers for Nike`s brand.
To see the Nike commercial, click here!

Both companies have chosen to use celebrity advertising.

Day 2

If I wasn't so crazy about being organized with my school work, I would never get anything done! I got my Paper 1 done yesterday or else I wouldn't have been able to sleep. I always try to avoid that awful feeling of cramming everything in before midnight. 

So far, the class and the posts from all of the classmates have been great and helpful. I think we can all agree that between reading MCG and our discussion board last night about careers that we all know how important internships are, and the difference they'll make when we go to apply for our first job. 

Good luck on your second day everyone!

Monday, January 5, 2015

Turning Point

As I stated in my introduction e-mail to the class, I didn`t begin to take pride in my work until I took a journalism class. It was rewarding to see your work published for everyone to read after worrying all week if you would make the deadline because an interview fell through or your schedule was busy.  The journalism class I took has been one of the best classes that I felt actually has prepared me for life after college.

Here is some of my previous work that was published in the Cape Cod Community College student newspaper The Main Sheet.  I apologize, unfortunately I could not directly insert the PDFs. So I had to take pictures of my work with my iPhone. 

Day 1 of Intersession

Day 1: Reality Strikes 

This summer was the first Summer I had to give up long beach days, an empty schedule, and a summer full leisure because I dedicated my summer to school work. Here I am again, halfway through my winter break and I`m looking at a blank screen trying to transform my thoughts into an essay.  The more I rethink my decision to take classes during winter break, the more I realize that my decision was a good one. Why waste time catching up on Netflix when I can create less work for future semesters by taking this class now?

I hope you all enjoy my blog for the next two weeks!