Friday, July 24, 2015


With all of the recent shark sightings so close to home...well for me anyway I live 10 minutes from Sagamore I thought it would be fun to blog about this weeks screening Jaws today!  Jaws is a classic. And personally, I like to view it right  around the time of  Discovery Channel`s Shark Week.  One thing I really like about Jaws is that it keeps the viewer wondering and in suspense.  After continuing to do some research on the movie; you may not have known the following from just watching the film;

  • Jaws had a huge influence on the film industry. It wasn’t just the first ‘event’ movie, it also welcomed in a new era of mass movie marketing and merchandising. 
  • Jaws was the first film to break $100 million at US box office.

Another element of Jaws that I think made it such a successful and well liked film was because it appeals to peoples fears.  People are terrified of Shark attacks so they were able to relate to the movie. The movie was also one of the firsts to portray such realism. Previously to Jaws, movies weren`t shot on the Ocean, which made all the difference in a more successful morning.

1 comment:

  1. I definitely agree that Jaws was one of the first movies to really come out and use the realism element. Since it was such a big hit, other movies began to use a more realistic approach as well. I also never knew that Jaws was the first film to break $100 million, that's insane! It really goes to show how big of a hit this movie was. Definitely a classic and will always remain a favorite movie of mine.
