Saturday, July 11, 2015

What do you notice most 
when watching a film? I like to sit back and observe the way that characters are portaying reality. I recently just saw Ted 2 and enjoyed watching how they created a parody boston accent and basically a parody of how the world views Bostonians. I really pay attention to details of the film more than I do the plot more times than not. As a film, video and media student, I have learned to watch films with a critical eye. After completing a videography course last semester, I find that I often try to analyze a film in the sense of what angles their shooting at, the special effects used, and mostly pay attention to little details that I think can make my work better.

Switching Gears... 

Team Sweden
As a Swede myself,  I was interested in the Film Developments of Sweden in the early 1900s. 
Charles Magnusson 1930.jpg

Charles Magnusson

                              Swedish producer Mauritz Stiller`s most successful films used a combination of good storytelling, but camera techniques to help tell the story. I forgot to mention that before; that good storytelling is accompanied by good camera work. Lighting, music, depth of field, and the shots on the shot list make all the difference in the story the producer is trying to tell and the final product. The film The Outlaw and His Wife utilized deep focus lenses, complex lighting, double and triple exposures, slow paced editing, and long shorts which enabled the viewer to absorb the way the characters struggled throughout the story. 

I have the storytelling part down, I love to write and express my creativity. I would like to expand my knowledge behind the camera and during a production. I barely know anything about lighting but I do know that it is essential for good storytelling. 


  1. I also watched Ted 2 recently and thought how hilarious it was how they portrayed New Englanders, or even "Massholes" and thought they did a great job. I can say that I pay so much attention to detail in movies too because its the little things that make a whole movie as great as it is.

  2. When watching a film I never really paid attention to anything else other than the story. But after taking a previous film class, I have learned that there are many things to look at when watching a film. The placement of the characters, the camera angles, and the lighting are just a few of the many things to look out for when watching a film.
